ialc - International Association Logging Championships


Judges‘ Service

The basis for a correct evaluation of the results of the participants are the following points:

  • proper set of rules and good knowledge of the set of rules by the judges
  • training of the judges for the handling of the measuring instruments and other devices
  • suitable measuring instruments
  • suitable software analysis program


Ialc is glad to help in the task to accomplish a correct evaluation.

We prepared a PPP for the judges‘ training, which we are happy to make available to the national judges training teams. The Power Point presentation from these pages may be downloaded by our members, and can be used for national judges training.

The Power point presentation shows how and which measurements are made. By using it, the participants can check, based on this presentation, how it should be measured, where the points are awarded and the details that where particular attention must be paid.

We of ialc hope to contribute with this document so that all participants have the same chances and know exactly what has to be respected. In particular, we also hope that the safety rules are kept, and thus accidents are avoided.